Rokni Electric Company Inc.

Why are our services needed.
Our services are in response to our customers need for:

1) Verification of existing Electrical Loads as compared to their equipment capacity before adding new loads.

2) Verification of "Electrical Ghost" problems that could not be simply explained by using ordinary test equipment. We use sophisticated Power Quality Instruments that can capture Fast Transients, Harmonics and many other electrical faults that are present for very short or long duration.

3) Electrical Equipment Start-up testing for Benchmarking & possible Troubleshooting.

4) Thermal Imaging of electrical equipment without the need for equipment shut-down to find possible hidden faults before damages.

5) Electrical Maintenance Programs to clean, test, and verify electrical equipment operation at a convenient and scheduled time for customers.

6) Our goal is to grow and continue our business relationship with our clients. In our opinion, the only way to accomplish this goal is by providing the best services at the most reasonable prices. We have the right equipment and quantity to meet your requirements.